Pet Lover's Passion Where Training is Fun! ©2020

Attention puppy owners!

Is Your Puppy Driving You Crazy?

Stop the madness with Puppy Training Classes

from dog trainer and animal behaviorist, Heather Smith, with over 17 years of experience training all kinds of dogs.

How would you like to have the most enjoyable puppy in the world?!

Adorable Cocker Spaniel Puppy, © Heather Smith

Did you know? Most puppy owners regret their decision to get a puppy because they had no idea how one adorable little fur-baby could turn into a nightmare!

The problem is that no one prepared you for what you’re dealing with right now: cuts on your hands, wrists and ankles from needle-like puppy teeth constantly biting you. Holes in your favorite clothes, missing shoe laces, puddles behind the couch ruining your hardwood floors… and worse yet, your puppy keeps you up all night!

Puppy Training © Heather Smith

It gets worse. If these problems don’t get solved, I’ve seen people afraid to get up from their desk to go to the bathroom because their puppy finally fell asleep, for fear they will wake the little terror! These poor people never catch a break!

Then their puppy turns into a full-size dog that demands attention with such ferocity that the children’s friends are afraid to come over. What kind of damage is that doing to the children?

You may want to have people over to watch a football game, but every time you host the party, your puppy is climbing all over people, eating their food and biting their faces – they say its fine, but you’re really embarrassed by it and afraid someone will get hurt.

Your puppy was manageable when they were small, but now that they are bigger, you have a hard time walking them because they pull so hard.

You start to wonder “Where did it go so wrong?”

Let’s bust the myth that says it’ll go away with age – your puppy will not grow out of it. They will not. It only gets worse from here…

That is, unless you know how to correct the behavior right now while they are young!

That’s why I created the PerfePup Puppy Training Class!

  • It saves puppy owners like you the headache of living with a disorderly dog the rest of your life.
  • It saves you thousands of dollars in replacing damaged household items and clothes.
  • It saves you the embarrassment of having your dog jump all over people.
  • It saves your shoulder and knees from being pulled down the street.
  • It saves your ears a headache from all the unnecessary barking.
  • It saves you all the time and effort it takes to clean up an “accident” off the floor.
  • It saves you money on vet bills because your puppy ate something they shouldn’t have.
  • It saves your skin from scratches and teeth marks from your puppy attacking you all the time.
  • And on and on…

The PerfePup Puppy Training Class is your knight in shining armor!

Your Puppy Trainer

Hi, I'm Heather Smith, certified dog trainer and animal behaviorist. I founded Pet Lover's Passion out of a passion for training and caring for animals of all kinds.

​I've had many happy clients over the years, and there hasn't been a dog I couldn't help!

Though I know how to solve complex behavior issues in older dogs, ​I strongly advocate for the proper upbringing of puppies to avoid disaster all together.

Heather with clients and their Golden Retriever

"Heather is very knowledgeable and was great with helping us train our golden retriever. We have noticed a big change in his behavior from the time she first came to our last session. His manners are much improved and he even learned some new tricks! I would recommend Heather to anyone who is trying to train their pet."​

- ​John & Alisa, PA

Heather's clients' dogs, Luna and Sunny

"Highly Recommend! Before Heather we had 2 over-reactive dogs that we dreaded taking on walks. Within 4 sessions our dogs are calmer around the house, on walks, and around other dogs. Heather is such a good observer of animal behavior…she was able to point out the details we were missing. She gave us effective homework between meetings and we now have more obedient dogs and a better relationship with them."

- ​Wendy & Ben, PA

Peanut, Jack Russell Mix

"Heather has been a great trainer, and our dog has come so far with her guidance. We highly recommend her to anyone!"

- Angie K, PA

(Peanut is a rescue dog who had severe fears and phobias. Heather helped him get over his fears of going outside, being approached or petted, and getting his leash put on. He is a great family dog and able to happily walk around the block now!) ☺ 

The PerfePup Puppy Training Class will teach you and your puppy all the skills you need to:

  • Walk nicely on the leash
  • Play and take treats gently
  • Keep barking at a minimum
  • Acceptance of routine grooming (such as nail trimming)
  • House training
  • Crate training
  • Vital skills like “leave it” and “come”

Reflect for a moment on all the problems you could avoid with the help of this puppy training class:

  • No more whining all night long
  • No more puppy taking you for a walk
  • No more painful puppy nipping when you’re just trying to pet your soft puppy
  • You could possibly avoid a big vet bill from your puppy chewing on something they should not have
  • No more being under constant stress related to your puppy barking constantly
  • Save a whole lot of time cleaning up “accidents” (because I'll show you how to make them a thing of the past)

Now, after considering what this puppy training class could save you, what value would you put on the results?

$1,000? $2,000? Thousands of dollars??

People have told me I should be charging at least $2,000 for this puppy class…


I have good news – you won’t be paying anywhere near that much today!

What you get when you sign up for the PerfePup Puppy Training Class:

  • 6 weeks of live training that can be completed from the comfort of your home – you get real-time feedback on how well you’re working with your puppy. (A $480 value)
  • Open Q&A sessions at the end of each lesson – never feel left in the dark about how to handle a training situation with your puppy! (A $240 value)
  • Life-saving skills your puppy must know (I don't see many trainers teaching these). (A $120 value)
  • A Certificate of Completion to highlight you and your puppy’s achievements for completing the PerfePup Puppy Training Class. After learning the skills taught in this class, you and your puppy are set to have a great life together, and this certificate is a great way to commemorate the start of your journey together! ♥ (The memories are priceless!)
PerfePup Certificate example

Total value: $840

Sign Up Today for These Special Bonuses:

  • Bonus #1: Training signs and charts to keep everyone in your household on the same page with your puppy’s training, which means you’ll get lasting results, fast! A $47 value – yours free!

That brings the total value to $887

  • Bonus #2: A gift bag that includes a training clicker with wristband, 2 rolls of poop-pick up bags, a blue-ink pen, 3 treat samples and a coupon for 10% off from a high-quality treat company. A $15 value – yours free! (Shipping included!) Limited quantity, so act now!

That brings the total value to $902

  • Bonus #3: A virtual one-on-one puppy training session with me! An $80 value – yours free!

Bringing the total value to $982

  • Bonus #4: My How to use a training clicker training video! A $27 value – yours free!

That brings the total value to $1,009

  • Bonus #5: One FREE month of Dog Training Monthly Membership, which includes a live Q&A / Training every week and access to the private community! (A $39 value)

That brings the value of the PerfePup program to a grand total of $1,048


Like I said, because you’re here right now and need my help, I won’t be charging anywhere near what it’s worth.

Today you can join my PerfePup Puppy Training Class for only $497

Yep, you read that right – $497 to no longer have to deal with painful puppy nipping, restless nights, damaged household goods, soiling your carpet, pulling on the leash, mauling your guests, or chasing your poor cat!

For the cost of a vet bill, you could enjoy a life without puppy-related stress!

Cocker Spaniel on Bed © Heather Smith

Is there a guarantee?

While I can’t guarantee that you will put in the work, I can guarantee that if you follow my instructions word-for-word, you will see results in your puppy’s behavior for the better! My methods work – just ask any one of my clients over the years.

Cockapoo Mix

"I was beside myself of what to do. I never had to deal with the behaviors my new puppy displayed, so I called Heather. I employed the methods she taught me, and by her third visit, the bad behaviors were a distant memory. Thank you Heather!"

- Diane, PA


Until the first live lesson begins!
​Sign up now to reserve your spot!

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the class take to complete?

There will be 6 live 1-hour trainings with a 30 minute to 1 hour Q&A session after each one. The bonus clicker training class runs about 30 minutes sometime during the first week. Classes will be held twice a week, so you can have results in about 3 weeks! ☺

How can virtual training sessions be as good as in-person sessions?

Virtual training sessions can be just as effective at teaching new skills to you and your puppy. They can actually be more effective than in-person puppy training lessons because your puppy will not be distracted by new smells, locations, travel time, or other puppies. It's a win-win for you and your puppy! ☺

So I'm the one doing the training?

Yes! ☺ Puppies bond with their trainers very closely, so it is very beneficial - to you and your puppy as a team - that I teach you how to train your puppy.

When does the class begin?

The next live class will begin Monday, February 17th.

Will recordings be available in case I miss a class?

Yes! ☺ They will be available in the PerfePup Member's Area.

About Your Puppy Trainer & Group Class Instructor

Heather Smith, ABCDT & Behaviorist

Heather Smith, ABCDT & Behaviorist

With over 17 years' experience in training cats and dogs of all ages and working with a variety of behavior issues, Heather is the trainer for the job!
​She also has a background in animal health and wellness, including massage, diet and nutrition, raw feeding, herbalism, and safety in using essential oils for pets.
​She has taught her own dog in the sports of scentwork, farm dog, rally obedience, agility, and specialty tricks.
Heather is also familiar with the training of service dogs and emotional support animals.
​You can be sure that you and your puppy will receive a well-rounded education from our valued instructor!